
Using Alma Analytics to Make the Most of Your Library Data Online

Does Alma, the Drexel Libraries’ library management system, ever seem too big and confusing? Are you keeping Alma data in multiple spreadsheets? Or maybe you just want to have a better understanding of what exactly Alma Analytics can do.

During this session with Dan Mills, Technology Integration Librarian, will answer all those questions and more. Learn how to make the most of Alma Analytics, from tracking vendor account information, consolidating all your work in one place, and tracking your digital collection usage to find the highest and lowest performing titles.

Who should attend:

  • All Drexel Libraries staff who want to learn more about Alma Analytics and how it can help them in achieve their goals
  • Students currently enrolled in Drexel’s MLIS degree programs who want to learn about Alma (a popular library management system used by Drexel and many other libraries), which they may encounter in jobs after graduation


The event will be held in person in the W. W. Hagerty Library, Room L33 (lower level). We will also provide a virtual option for those who cannot join us in person. Please register and select "online registration" to receive the Zoom link.
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
W. W. Hagerty Library, L33
  Data Events  
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Rachel Weidner